Friday, July 20, 2012

Alone/ZnT FanFiction

Note: Alone Cross with ZnT.

Aeka Vita Armeria – Alone Main Character

As the massive cloud of smoke erupted, Louise felt like she was going to faint. Managing to stay awake through sheer force of will Louise desperately hoped she didn’t fail again. A failure like this would result in the end of her life as a noble.
Struggling to stand, the feeling of drowsiness and weightlessness started getting worse. Watching as the smoke started being blown away by wind, when a feeling of massive power started erupting from the smoke. Suddenly before the smoke could be all blown away, lightning started arcing around in the smoke and the drain felt worse. A headache formed, feeling like she would collapse any moment Louise held on as much as she could.
The feeling got even worse, sounds of earth cracking started driving nails through her head. Finally she felt whatever was happening almost instantly stop and then she welcomed the sleep that was waiting for her.

Meanwhile inside the smoke earth was combining together, forming a silver arch. Stopping at what looked like halfway completed before a blue glow emanated from the half completed gateway. Flowing down the arch until it suddenly snapped into a circle arching outwards.
A portal formed just as the smoke finally drifted away, almost as if it was protecting it from prying eyes.
Colbert instantly froze up as stunned whispers spread through the crowd, moving quickly Colbert ordered the students to stay where they were and moved to wake up Louise.

Aeka looked to the portal motioned Satio to go through, already confused Satio didn’t notice as she guided him through.
Everyone gasped as Saito walked through wandering what the strange device had been, as he looked around he groaned.

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