Friday, July 20, 2012


Note: More old Crap.



I awoke from the screaming of my mother. A bad dream I tell myself. I know its just a distant memory. A memory I thought I forgot. A memory that shakes me to the core.

It was the day I lost them and it has been hard. My father has taken me in since then. Although he disappears regularly. I always want to be by his side. I don't want to feel loss like that ever again either.

I remember playing with Spot, we were out the back of my house playing tug-a-war. I was winning of course. He was only a dog. But I loved him like my little brother. He was small and nearly completely golden apart from the black spot on his side. I had only just turned nine a couple of days before and I was getting picked up by my father as my parents lived apart. My Mum was inside making my lunch for for the trip to Dads. I stopped teasing Spot when I heard his four-wheel-drive coming and got up to go meet him around the front. The forest surrounded us at the side and back of my Mums house but I was never aloud to go in it. So I didn't. Unfortunately my Mum didn't like the sun so I only really ever got to see it properly when I went to my Dads. I didn't mind though, I know it annoyed her.

I arrived around the front just as Dad opened the four-wheel-drives door. He was wearing a shirt and shorts. His tanned skin and broad body were waiting for me. I didn't like how he had cut his black hair short. But it did suit him. I ran over to hug him just as he closed the door.
"I love you Dad!" I'd said looking up at him. He was smiling down at me.
"Is your Mother around?" He said and I dropped one hand from his waist and pointed to the house. Spot was at our feet sniffing the air. His ears pricked up and a low growl escaped his throat.
"Stay here Alise". I nodded and he jugged up to the house just as I heard someone screaming. He started sprinting just as I noticed it was my Mum. Her scream ended just as quickly as it started. I was scared but I stayed put. My Dad had told me to. Spot starting growling when a man came around the side of the house. Spots growling got louder and the man came towards me. I didn't know what to do so I stayed put. Spot started barking manically at him. He kicked Spot and grabbed me as I watched him hit the tree with a sickening crunch. I just started crying when the ground came up to meet me. I hit the ground just as I heard something growling again. I looked hopefully towards Spot, he wasn't moving.
"Sp...." My voice caught in my throat as the tears came harder. I tried to call out for my Dad. But nothing came out just as I was shoved into my Dads four-wheel-drive.

The next thing I know Dad has me in his arms driving onto the highway. Tears were falling from his eyes. I tried asking about Mum but nothing came out. Then suddenly I knew that I'd never see her again. I knew I'd never be able to play with spot again either.

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