Friday, July 20, 2012

Vampire Story

 Note: More old crap.

 Vampire Story

“I’m so bored.” I said to myself.
“Shut up Sam!” Grace yelled from the other side of the wall.
“Jeez, it’s not my fault you know.” “I’ve been in this house the whole day, it gets pretty boring.” I replied. I heard her get up and stomp over to my door.
“Shut up and go to sleep!” She yelled through the door.
“Fine.” I answered and then to myself. “Ain’t gonna happen though.”
She burst through the door and yelled “You’re lucky I even let you stay here, so shut up and sleep!” I hid under the covers, scary. She stomped back to her room and got in her bed.

I waited until she was asleep and then I got out of bed, pulled on some clothes and went downstairs and sat down on the couch. I must have subconsciously begun playing with my hair because it was all around my face, annoying me. But keeping me occupied for the time being.
I’d cut my dark brown hair the night before out of boredom. I suppose I should move on again and let Stacy go about her life. She shouldn’t have to look after me, she’s probably only doing it because she’s scared of me anyway. Just like the last guy I was with, although he tried to stake me. Wasn’t really that much fun running around a house trying to avoid him. I ended up hiding under his own bed and he never looked for me there though. So being a Vampire is tough. Especially now, I’m thirsty again. I need to make a move to the hospital again. Blood bank, although that never stops the hunters. I’d have to go soon before they find me again. Unfortunately I’ll have to do that tomorrow, suns going to come up soon. Never want to be caught in it, not that I’ve ever been though. I wander how much it hurts or if it hurts at all. Certainly make my suicide easier to deal with. Never being able to see the sun again hurts, I used to play in it all day with Joe. She was what cool probably was and I haven’t seen anyone in months. They must think I ran away or that I’ve been kidnapped, maybe even dead.
Joe was around my age of 13. She was older too, but I had fun with her. My parents were really strict and didn’t like her at all. But then I didn’t like parents anyway. They never let me do anything and when they did it wasn’t any fun. I was no good at school work but I’m really athletic. They made me stay home though, so never played any sports.
I’m getting a little tired now, time for bed. I walked up the stairs towards the guest room and glanced at the mirror on the way up. Blue eyes, the same as always. At least some things aren’t true about Vampires. Although the whole holy thing is annoying. Let’s just say walking through a Mall at the end of the day and meeting a priest isn’t fun. What was weird though was that he knew what I was, but he didn’t care. He offered me a room even. I don’t know if it was a trap but his cross wasn’t really going to give him a yes. He might have noticed that it was holding me to the wall if he had being paying more attention. Luckily the whole can’t walk inside someone’s house unless they invite you is really only a myth. Otherwise I’d be outside now. Stacy found me huddled up in her guest bed one morning when she opened the curtains. Fortunately I was out of the sun, She got quite the surprise.

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